Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee is responsible for the oversight of the staff employed by the Meeting. The Presiding Clerk serves as an ex officio member. The Committee’s duties include:

  • preparation and annual review of job descriptions

  • recommendations on salaries, benefits, and salary schedules to the Finance and Stewardship Committee

  • the review and revision of employment policies and procedures as necessary

  • ongoing evaluation and an annual written evaluation of the work of the Administrative Secretary

  • recommendation to the Committee of Clerks on the renewal of the Administrative Secretary’s contract of employment

  • providing advisory assistance to the Administrative Secretary on personnel matters and office procedures

  • making recommendations to Meeting committees regarding activities that may affect the workload of the staff

  • scheduling the Friendly Office Presence on First Days.

The Personnel Committee acts as a search committee for an Administrative Secretary and recommends a candidate for employment to the Committee of Clerks. While acting as a search committee, the size of the Personnel Committee is increased by at least two persons recommended by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Meeting for Business.

Updated May 2022