Principles of Membership
In the experience of the Membership Committee, the time to apply for membership in Friends Meeting of Washington has come when one:
Seeks to experience the Divine in one’s life, recognizes that there is that of God in others, and wishes to pursue this spiritual journey within the Friends Meeting of Washington community.
Knows and approves of the aspirations of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) as set forth in the queries of Baltimore Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice.
Understands and accepts the procedures in Friends Meeting of Washington meetings for worship and for business as well as Meeting committees, based not only on study but on direct participation.
Feels committed to share constructively in the life of the Meeting, including providing regular financial support for and service to Friends Meeting of Washington.
Principles Guidance Application Letters for Membership
An application for membership in the Friends Meeting of Washington is usually in the form of a letter addressed to the Clerk of the Meeting who will refer it for action to the Clerk of the Membership Committee. First and foremost, that letter should address the four Principles of Membership on the other side of this sheet. However, you may also choose to include other information useful to the Committee, including the following:
What are your religious beliefs?
What do you find appealing about the Quaker faith? Does this contrast with other faiths you may have embraced previously? What parts of your spiritual journey have brought you to seek a spiritual home with FMW?
How did you first hear of Quakers? Of the Friends Meeting of Washington?
How long have you been attending Meeting for Worship?
What activities have you participated in, including Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, Meeting committees, or other volunteer opportunities? Which Meeting activities would you participate in as a member?
Have you read works on Quakerism? For example, books on Quaker beginnings and history, biographies or journals of Quaker leaders, Quaker principles or their application, or texts on the current state of Quakerism, including its international nature?
Is there a subject you would like to pursue further under Quaker leadership?
What concerns do you have about the Meeting community as your spiritual home?
Have you already or are you willing to assume financial responsibility, commensurate with your ability, for the maintenance and activities of the Meeting?
Responsibilities of Membership
An application for membership in the Friends Meeting of Washington is usually in the form of a letter addressed to the Clerk of the Meeting who will refer it for action to the Clerk of the Membership Committee. First and foremost, that letter should address the four Principles of Membership on the other side of this sheet. However, you may also choose to include other information useful to the Committee, including the following:
What are your religious beliefs?
What do you find appealing about the Quaker faith? Does this contrast with other faiths you may have embraced previously? What parts of your spiritual journey have brought you to seek a spiritual home with FMW?
How did you first hear of Quakers? Of the Friends Meeting of Washington?
How long have you been attending Meeting for Worship?
What activities have you participated in, including Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, Meeting committees, or other volunteer opportunities? Which Meeting activities would you participate in as a member?
Have you read works on Quakerism? For example, books on Quaker beginnings and history, biographies or journals of Quaker leaders, Quaker principles or their application, or texts on the current state of Quakerism, including its international nature?
Is there a subject you would like to pursue further under Quaker leadership?
What concerns do you have about the Meeting community as your spiritual home?
Have you already or are you willing to assume financial responsibility, commensurate with your ability, for the maintenance and activities of the Meeting?
This application form above should accompany your letter requesting membership for you and/or your child.
These expectations of members have been reviewed and reaffirmed five times since April 1966 and rise out of the meaning of Monthly Meeting membership articulated in the basic documents of our faith, particularly Baltimore Yearly Meeting "Faith and Practice."
Revised and Approved: June 2010 by Membership Committee