
Meetings for Worship

Worship ... is silent, unprogrammed, and subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“Enter meeting for worship every time expecting to be changed.” Friends General Conference

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

We have a range of Meetings taking place each week where everyone is welcome, especially newscomers. We’d love to see you there.

Deepening Your Quaker Experience

We have many resources available for those wanting to learn more about Quaker practice, and our Meeting:

Newcomer Information on Quaker Practice

Quaker meetings are worship-focused communities guided by the Spirit. Decision-making occurs during monthly business meetings led by a clerk. Committees handle tasks like worship quality, finances, and hospitality. Members contribute through volunteering, finances, and eventual membership. Quakers emphasize simplicity, equality, community, peace, integrity, and care for the Earth, with practices like silent prayer and "holding in the Light." Prayer fosters transformation and inner peace. The community thrives on collective discernment and shared values.

Religious Seekers

Quakers invite seekers to explore spirituality through a direct relationship with the Divine, fostering simplicity, peace, and purposeful living. They emphasize individuality balanced by group discernment and a creedless approach to worship. Meetings provide silent, expectant spaces for spiritual reflection, free from intermediaries and rituals. Quakers actively pursue peace, justice, and community-building, inspired by the teachings of Jesus and universal truths across religions. They offer fellowship and support for a lifelong spiritual journey, embracing imperfection and growth.

Silent Worship and Quaker Values

Quaker silent worship emphasizes expectant waiting, valuing direct experience with the Divine. Rooted in simplicity, equality, and integrity, Quakers uphold nonviolence, social justice, and continuous revelation of truth. Worship involves no prearranged rituals, fostering openness to spiritual guidance. Decisions are made through unity, respecting diverse perspectives. Quakers prioritize truth, community, and individual discernment while striving to align actions with ideals like peace, justice, and equality. These practices reflect the core belief that God resides within everyone.

Words for Newcomers

Quaker worship emphasizes silent, Spirit-led communion, with no prescribed activities, allowing freedom for spiritual exploration. Worshipers may engage in exercises like self-examination, reflecting on scripture or events, or prayer (spoken, silent, or wordless communion). These practices aim to remove obstacles to a deeper connection with God and foster harmony with the Divine will. Worship combines personal introspection and openness to God's presence, with the seeker navigating their unique spiritual journey toward communion with the Divine.

Courses and Meetups

Quakerism 101: Spring 2024, dates TBD Friends Meeting of Washington’s Quakerism 101 class is an introductory class on Quaker beliefs and practice which consists of the following five sessions: Quaker Worship & Vocal Ministry, Quaker History, Quaker Faith & Practice, Living Your Quaker Testimony and Quaker Process. These sessions provide a strong foundation of understanding as you begin your spiritual journey into the rich tradition of the Quakers - Religious Society of Friends. The Q101 class is offered twice a year in the spring and fall.

Quakerism 101- Online Self Guided Course can be accessed here. FMW’s online self guided course is available and can be easily accessed based on your interest and schedule. This basics class in Quakerism provides an introduction for newcomers and a refresher for Friends. The self-guided material is based on the live Q101 version, which is offered by FMW via zoom in the spring and fall.The course can be taken individually or you can form your own study group. Each session has an Overview, Course Content and Additional Resources. The Course Content section in each session takes about an hour to an hour and a half and is a compilation of short reading materials and videos that walk you through the basics of a section topic. Contact Nick Warren wnet65@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Quakerism: A Deeper Dive - Book Study Group Interested in a “Deeper Dive” into Quaker thought and practice? Through this in-depth Book Study Group you will read and discuss thought provoking books on Quaker faith and practice. Taking one book at a time, Joe Izzo, a member of Friends Meeting of Washington, and Diane Randall, the former General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) from 2011-2021, will moderate the discussion. Contact Joe Izzo jizzo2102@gmail.com to find out more.

Friendly Film Club Monthly, Friends gather at the Meetinghouse to watch a film and discuss it, based on Quaker values. Contact Bill Parker, wparkercra@gmail.com

Catoctin Retreat Twice each year, FMW Friends spend the weekend away at Catoctin Quaker Camp in the Catoctin mountains, north of Frederick, MD. The weekend is unprogrammed with activities,  shared meals and Meeting for Worship outdoors. Contact Robin Appleberry, robinappleberry@yahoo.com

Workings of the Meeting

Monthly Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business is held at noon on the 2nd Sunday from September through June and 3rd Sunday in July, no meeting in August. All are welcome and can experience the Quaker process in action!

Committee Opportunities:  The Nominating Committee helps to match your gifts and abilities with a committee in which you will grow, and gives you a chance to offer service to FMW and the community.  Contact Michael Beer MikeBeerDC@gmail.com, or visit Committee listing for more detail.

Children’s Program: Childcare (0-3) in Decatur Place Room, starting 10:00 am every Sunday, First Day School and Young Friends (high school) - 1st & 3rd Sundays. Join 1st 15 minutes of 10:30 am Meeting for Worship - then, 1st Day School in upper garden, Young Friends in Terrace Room, Contact Julie Johnson, JulieJenJ@gmail.com

Social Justice and Climate: FMW’s committee on Peace and Social Concerns and several task forces bring programming and action opportunities to the Meeting community, and work to strengthen our work in the world on issues including climate change, economic justice and human rights. For more information contact admin@quakersdc.org

Young Adult Friends: Anyone interested in learning about Young Adult Friends (YAF) at FMW or who would like to join the YAF list-serve, please contact please contact Phoebe Shatzer (phoebe.shatzer2@gmail.com), Hannah Moloney (hannahcmoloney@gmail.com), or Isaiah Graces (isaiah@graces.com). Young adults are roughly between the ages of 18 and 40ish.

Clearness Committees: Anyone facing a major life decision or personal challenge can ask FMW to form a small committee of Friends for help in seeking clearness about what to do. Read here, or contact the office at admin@quakersdc.org or (202) 483-3310.

Library: FMW’s library contains over 2,000 books relating to Quakerism, Quaker history, spirituality, peace, social justice and non-violence, including a full run of Pendle Hill Pamphlets. All are welcome to use and check out materials. The Library is open most Sunday mornings and by special appointment. For more information, read here.

Helping Our Neighbors In Need

Christ House Dinner: Prepare and serve dinner to about 50 men and women on the 4th Sunday of each month from 3:30 PM until about 7 PM at Christ House, 1717 Columbia Rd, NW, a residential medical  care facility for homeless men. Contact: Gray Handley (703) 254-4127, handleygr@icloud.com

Church of the Pilgrims: Four volunteers prepare and serve lunch for local homeless people at the Church of the Pilgrims, two blocks south of FMW. Help set up from 11 am to noon and /or serve from 12:45 - 2:00 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month.  Contact: Patty Murphy, 301-270-1105, pmurphy@sju.edu.

Grate Patrol: Friends meet on the 1st Sunday in the Assembly Room, 12:00 - 2:00 pm to prepare a nutritious meal which is distributed to people living on the streets in downtown DC. To help contact Emilie Schmeidler emilie.schmeidler@gmail.com.

Backpack Project: Friends fill more than 1000 backpacks  with basic necessities for homeless men, women and children, and then distribute them  to homeless shelters on a Sunday before Christmas. For more information, read here or contact: CJ Lewis, (202) 704-4430 or cjlewis2@yahoo.com

Ways To Connect

Office: The office is open most of the time during normal business hours.  But our staff is small, so please email or call before stopping by.  Contact Barbara Briggs (Administrator) at admin@quakersdc.org, (202) 483-3310.  

Join FMW google group to receive notices of upcoming events and activities. Send an email to admin@quakersdc.org expressing your desire to join.

Families:  If you wish to be placed on the FMW Families listserv, please contact the office at admin@quakersdc.org 

Friendly Office Presence: Each Sunday, a Friend is available in the Lobby to answer questions and help better connect you with FMW. Please stop by.

Event space available in historic Quaker Meeting House. Learn more.

Support Us

Friends' participation and generosity sustain our spiritual community, support our physical presence in Washington, DC, and magnify our Light throughout the city.