Committee of Clerks

The Committee of Clerks, formerly called the Executive Committee, is composed of the Presiding, Recording, and Alternate Clerks of the Meeting, the Clerk of any Preparative Meeting under the Meeting’s care, the Clerks (or their alternates) of the standing committees, and the Clerk (or Alternate Clerk) of the Board of Trustees. The Committee may not co-opt other members. The Presiding Clerk of the Meeting serves as Clerk of this Committee, with the Recording Clerk as recorder; the Alternate Clerk substitutes for either of them as necessary. The minutes of the Committee of Clerks are signed by the Presiding Clerk and Recording Clerk, are read at the next Monthly Meeting for Business, and are attached to the minutes of that Meeting for Business.

The Committee of Clerks may call special sessions of the Meeting for Business and act for the Meeting when the Meeting for Business is in recess. The Committee may also support committee clerks by providing opportunities for them to share problems and insights. Some duties of this Committee are delicate and personal. In such cases, the Committee’s proceedings are kept confidential and the dignity of the persons concerned is respected.

The Committee of Clerks receives recommendations from the Personnel Committee, when it is constituted as a search committee, on the appointment of an Administrative Secretary and, acting on behalf of the Meeting, employs the Administrative Secretary. The Committee receives from the Personnel Committee an annual review of the Administrative Secretary’s work. It also receives a recommendation concerning the Administrative Secretary’s contract of employment, and agrees to continue employment or to replace the Administrative Secretary if that should be warranted. It receives recommendations from the Finance and Stewardship Committee, after that committee has conferred with the Personnel Committee, regarding the salaries and benefits of the Administrative Secretary and the Assistant Secretary and approves the salaries and benefits reflected in the Meeting’s operating budget.