Peace & Social Concerns Committee

The Peace and Social Concerns committee is active with renewed purpose and vision. Our focus is to nurture and support individuals and groups led to action, share opportunities and resources, and offer educational programs related to the peace and equality testimonies.

You are warmly invited to P&SC committee meetings. We are eager to support FMW members and attenders with the resources and guidance to help carry out your leadings and work for peace and social justice, and help Friends connect and collaborate. We gather at 9 am on the third Sunday of each month in the Terrace Room on the second floor of FMW. All are very welcome.

We invite those who have ideas for events or programs to contact us. Please use this form to clarify your proposal and email the completed form to the clerk. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks in planning for us to put your proposal on the agenda and consider it in a timely fashion.

P&SC manages the FMW Social Justice Fund. Members of the FMW community are invited to apply for small grants (generally up to $1,000) to advance the social-justice work in which they are involved. Click here for more information and to apply.

The Committee also has under its care the Hunger and Homelessness Task Force and the Sanctuary Taskforce.