Our Worship...

... is silent and unprogrammed, and subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A period of time is used to center into an inward stillness. Spirit-led listening is perhaps the most important task of the worshipper.

Spoken messages come from the spiritual depth of one's life and from the leading of the Holy Spirit.

To be absorbed, each message needs to be followed with a period of silence which allows for deepening.

When the vocal and silent ministry speak to the condition of those present and is developed and deepened in the Truth, a profound sense of spiritual community occurs that freshens and delights.  This is what we call a "gathered Meeting."

Meeting for Worship ends after about an hour when the head of Meeting, on the facing bench, shakes hands with those nearby.  We then greet those sitting around us in a similar manner.

All Are Welcome and Included at Meeting for Worship

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Masking is recommended in indoor spaces

  • Sundays:  9:00 - 10:00 a.m. FMW's Library or join by Zoom  
    By phone: 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 395 231 896# Password: 738314
  • Sundays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. In Person OR join by Zoom
    By phone: 301-715-8592  Meeting ID: 979 505 413# Password: 706188
    Childcare (0-3) 10:00 - 12 noon every Sunday in Decatur Place Room 
    First Day School and Young Friends (high school) 1st & 3rd Sundays:
  • Sundays, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. In-person only.
  • Wednesdays:  6:00 - 7:00 p.m. In Person OR join by Zoom.
    By phone:  (646) 876-9923, when prompted enter Meeting ID:  202 577 8431.
  • Monthly Meeting for Business:  2nd Sundays of most months 12:15 p.m. In person or join on Zoom


Minute in Support of the AFSC-led Apartheid Free Communities
Pledge and Network

Brought by  FMW’s Committee on Peace & Social Concerns
Agreed to at FMW Meeting for Business  October 13, 2024

In light of our previous minutes supporting peace and justice in Israel/Palestine, and our specific commitment to “actively support an end to Israel’s occupation and support equal protections and rights for all people living under Israeli control and to commit to actions as meetings/churches until this reality is realized,” Friends Meeting of Washington declares ourselves an Apartheid-Free Community and pledges to join others in the interfaith Apartheid-Free Communities network convened by the American Friends Service Committee to end all support to Israel’s US-backed Apartheid regime so we can fulfill our commitment to seek a future of peace, justice, and equality for ALL in Israel/Palestine.

Apartheid Free Communities 

Seeking a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine
Approved by FMW’s Meeting for Business on July 21, 2024

What is Quaker worship like?

To watch a short video on What to Expect at a Meeting for Worship, click here. A Welcome Brochure listing the many worship, study, and service opportunities is available by clicking here.​

Where are we located?

2111 Decatur Place NW (Corner of Florida Avenue NW)
Friends Meeting of Washington is located near Dupont Circle in the heart of Washington, DC. Click here for driving and transit directions.  All are welcome.



To receive an email copy of Weekly Announcements (every Thursday) email:  admin@QuakersDC.org


General Description.  Full Listing of Programs in May 2023
For more information, email admin@QuakersDC.org. Or you can leave a message on FMW’s office phone (202)-483-3310.


FMW Minute on Ukraine War (September 11, 2022)

FMW & Reproductive Rights:

Minute on Privacy & the State - FMW Meeting for Business, June 2022 
Martha Solt for FMW Committee on Marriage & Family Relations
Personal testimony of Gene Throwe                     

FMW Anti-Racist Queries

"Queries"--leading questions--have long been used as an integral part of Quaker spiritual and social justice practice.  Our community has agreed that we will use the queries below in all of our decision processes, to help us become aware of the racism that is built into our culture and our Meeting, and work to heal it.

1. How will we provide opportunities for those most likely to be directly affected by the choices we are contemplating to influence the decision making process?   

2. How could the choices we are contemplating affect those who have been harmed by systemic, institutional, interpersonal and/or internal racism?

3. To what degree have privilege, class, stereotypes, assumptions, and our ability to include other perspectives affected this decision making process?

4. How will the choices we are contemplating promote equity, diversity, and inclusiveness? Will they enable us to be more friendly and whole, engaging across racial divisions?

5. How do the choices we are contemplating support the declaration of our Yearly Meeting that we aspire to be an anti-racist faith community?