Weekly Announcements 10.10.2024

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“A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.”  -Proverbs 29:7


Announcing …

Worship Sharing with a Concern for the Election Season, Meeting Room, Nov 3 12:15pm We will hold Worship Sharing with a Concern for the Election Season and other events, personal and political, that may be causing uncertainty and concern. We will split into small groups so everyone who wants to share can be heard. We welcome all messages and spiritual insights regarding these concerns. All are welcome.  For more information, contact Debby Churchman (DChurchm@yahoo.com


This Week … 

Welcome baby Olmo Rengifo Mitjans, Quaker House Living Room 12:00
Olmo is the child of Alfonso Rengifo Cavestany and Alexandra Mitjans Alzamora.  For more info contact Marriage & Family Relations clerk Martha Solt (SoltDozier@gmail.com

Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, Meeting Room, 12:30 pm
Join on Zoom.  FMW’s monthly community meeting to discuss, plan and decide on matters of import to our community.  For more info contact FMW clerks Elaine Wilson (ElaineSWils@gmail.com) or Allen Fawcett (AAFawcett@gmail.com)  

Palestine: Voices from the West Bank, Stories of Nonviolent Resistance & Protection, Assembly Room & online, Wednesday, Oct 16, 7:00 pm.  FMW’s Peace & Social Concerns and Nonviolence International host with Palestinian peace advocate Amira Musallam and Mel Duncan, co-founder of Nonviolent Peace Force.  Please join us in person if you can.  Flyer. Register here to join on Zoom. For more info: Steve Chase (SteveChase338@gmail.com

And Beyond…

Quaker Spiritual Development Programs - October 2024

“Is that my Light shining or my ego?” Quaker House Living Room Oct 20, 12:15  Anti-Racism Spiritual Friendships hosts Garrett Bucks for a participatory discussion of Whiteness, connection, fear, antiracism, lovability and the internal stories that propel, delay and divide us. Garrett is the author of “The Right Kind of White” and founder of The Barnraisers Project, which has trained nearly 1000 participants to organize majority-White communities for racial and social justice.  For more info: Robin Appleberry (rappleberry@aya.yale.edu)

Committee Fair, Sunday, Assembly Room, Sunday, October 20 at Rise of Meeting
What are you good at?  What do you love to do? There’s an FMW Committee that needs your skills and talents. FMW committees will be at tables in the Assembly room ready to talk about their work and projects, and how you could fit in.  For more info, contact Nominating Committee clerk Michael Beer (MikeBeerDC@gmail.com)  

Washington Interfaith Network at FMW, Decatur Place Room, November 17, 12:15 pm
WIN director Alison Dunn-Amaguer will join FMW’s WIN Core team to share WIN’s work and to answer questions.  WIN brings together over 50 faith-based organizations to advocate for affordable housing, DC transition to green energy, tenant rights, public safety and other issues of concern to DC’s low income residents and communities of color.  It is a remarkable opportunity to make and impact, and to collaborate across faith traditions. C Contacts: Elaine Wilson (ElaineSWils@gmail.com) or Barbara Briggs (BarbaraHBriggs@gmail.com)  

Pendle Hill Quaker Study and Retreat Center Spring Resident Program, Deadline
This program for F/friends needing a space and community to reset, reconnect and rejuvenate has been offered since Pendle Hill’s founding in 1930.  The application for Spring term (March 1-May 10 is now open, with the option to participate for the first two weeks, four weeks, or all 10 weeks. Useful links:  The 2025 Schedule & Syllabus, Free Online Info Session, Program Costs and Financial Assistance


Let Us Worship Together 

9 am, Sunday, Early Meeting for Worship | FMW’s Library & & on Zoom. 
By phone: 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 890 9598 7875#  Passcode: 448803 
Tech: Ann Herzog, (202) 246-5125

10:30 am, Sunday, Meeting for Worship | FMW Meeting Room & on Zoom
Meeting ID: 979 505 413   Head of Meeting: Young Adult Friends + Joe Izzo 
Friendly Office Presence: Connor Roth         (Sunday staffing schedule)
First Day School (children) and Young Friends (youth) 1st & 3rd Sunday.

6 pm, Sunday, Worship | In-person only | Convener: Steve Morse (vze234d2@verizon.net

Midweek Meeting - Wednesday 6:00pm | David Etheridge (david.etheridge@verizon.net)

LGBTQ Meeting | 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm | For more info contact: Rheagan Martin (rheagan.martin@gmail.com) or Jason Terry (jason@jaterry.com).

Childcare is offered every Sunday (year-round), 10:30 a.m., Decatur Room. For more info, contact RE Committee: Lynsey Wood Jeffries (lynseywood@yahoo.com)


Be Involved

Looking for ways to help make our Meeting happen? | FMW is a (nearly) all-volunteer community.  You can help make our Meeting happen, and make friends in the process.  Over the next weeks, we will be rolling out some specific volunteering opportunities–on a routine + one-off sign-ups.  For now, you can sign up here, and tell us about your availability.  Questions? Email: Admin@QuakersDC.org.

Friends Meeting of Washington, D.C., 2111 Decatur Place NW (off Florida Ave), Washington D.C. 20008-1912 |  (202) 483-3310

To receive an email copy of Weekly Announcements (every Thursday) email:  admin@QuakersDC.org.