Weekly Announcements 6.27.2024

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“Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”
Genesis 1:29-31

Let Us Worship Together - Sunday, June 30, 2024

9:00 am Early Meeting for Worship - In FMW’s Library & on Zoom. 
By phone: 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 395 231 896#  Tech: Ann Herzog, (202) 246-5125

10:30 am Meeting for Worship, Meeting Room 
Head of Meeting: Religious Education & Joe Izzo.  Zoom tech: Amanda Wernicke
Join on Zoom. By phone dial: 301-715-8592. Enter Mtg ID: 979 505 413#

Friendly Office Presence: Jim Bell, Mary Melchior

6:00 pm Worship - Convener: Steve Morse, email: vze234d2@verizon.net

Children & Youth Programs 1st & 3rd Sundays
Children (First Day School) and youth (Young Friends) meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Families are encouraged to bring their children and youth to Meeting for Worship on non-RE Sundays.
Childcare: Every Sunday (year-round), 10:30, Decatur Room.
For more info, contact RE Committee: Julie Johnson, JulieJenJ@gmail.com 

Head of 10:30 Meeting: July 7-Young Adult Friends,  July 14-Property Committee
Sunday “Staffing” Schedule  /  Masking encouraged.  See FMW’s full masking policy here.

To receive an email copy of Weekly Announcements (every Thursday) email:  admin@QuakersDC.org

On Sunday: 

Committee of Clerks, Quaker House Living Room & online June 30, 9:00 am
Planning meeting for all clerks of FMW Committees–held on 5th Sundays.
Join on Zoom.  For more info contact FMW co-clerks Allen Fawcett (AAFawcett@gmail.com) or Elaine Wilson (ElaineSWils@gmail.com)

Brainstorming/Listening Session re FMW’s Publications, Quaker House, Sunday, June 30, 12:15pm  Georgetown comms professional and communications design masters student Kelly Rankin is consulting with FMW’s administrator to develop a better, more useful, attractive and “friendly” format for our announcements and newsletter.  This is a conversation for interested FMW folks to give input and share our dreams for FMW communications that our community members can’t wait to find in their inbox!) Contact, Barbara Briggs (admin@QuakersDC.org)  

Friendly 8’s

Friendly 8s is a Quaker tradition of gathering in with  five to eight Friends for monthly potluck dinners, in six-month cycles. The groups are self organized. Each month, someone “hosts” –sending out email reminders, directions, and helping shape the potluck menu. Sign up here.  Groups will start in July.  For more info, contact Debby Churchman (dchurchm@yahoo.com) and Elise Storck (ewstorck@yahoo.com.)


MORE GOOD STUFF! → Quaker Spiritual Development Programs - June - July 2024

Grate Patrol & Game Day, Sunday, Assembly Room, Sunday, July 7, 12:00 
--1st Sundays!  Help prepare a healthy supper for DC’s residents living on the streets.  Then join in for a board game or two.

Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, Meeting Room, Sunday, July 21, 12:15  This is our community’s monthly meeting to share, discuss, vision and plan.    “Meeting for Business” is on the 2nd Sunday of each month–except in July when it is held on the 3rd Sunday, and August, when it is suspected. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.  For more information, contact FMW clerks Allen Fawcett (AAFawcett@gmail.com) or Elaine Wilson (ElaineSWils@gmail.com)

Summer Movie & Potluck Picnic at FMW, Assembly Room Sunday, July 21 at 4:00 pm  Kids and families are especially invited to watch “The Princess Bride”.  For more info, contact Greg Robb (Gregory.Robb@gmail.com) or Bill Parker (WParkerCRA@gmail.com).

Friendly Quaker Film Club, Quaker House, July 24, 6 pm - 4th Wednesdays. All are welcome!

Quakerism 101:  Online Self-Guided, Introductory Course: This introductory course on Quaker faith and practice was developed for FMW attenders and newcomers who are unable to attend the zoom introductory class or prefer to learn at their own pace. The course covers Quaker faith and practice and consists of five sessions that provide a strong foundation on the rich tradition of the Quakers - Religious Society of Friends. Contact: wanet65@gmail.com. Here is the link to the self-guided course.

Children and Youth's Religious Education (RE) Summer Schedule
In July and August, RE follows a modified schedule, which includes the following combined programming for all children and youth from elementary school through high school: 
--1st Sunday = Grate Patrol: Making sandwiches and lunches for unhoused neighbors
--3rd Sunday = Summer arts workshop: Painting get well cards for Personal Aid Committee

Consider Joining FMW as a Member!

Are you interested in deepening your connection with Quakerism and our community? Consider applying to become a member of Friends Meeting of Washington:  1. Fill out this online form.   2. Write a letter expressing how you understand being Quaker and being a member of FMW. 

For more info, contact Membership Cttee clerk Rebecca Nelson (RebeccaLeeNelson99@gmail.com)

FMW Action and Volunteer Opportunities!

Volunteer opportunities at FMW - ways you can help make our Meeting happen
FMW is a (nearly) all-volunteer community.  You can help make our Meeting happen, and make friends in the process.  Over the next weeks, we will be rolling out some specific opportunities for volunteering–on a regular routine + one-off sign ups.  For now, if you would like to volunteer, sign up here, and tell us about your availability!  Contact:  Admin@QuakersDC.org

Other Regular Meetings & Worship Opportunities

Midweek Meeting for Worship at FMW (in person), Wednesdays, 6:00 pm
For more information, contact David Etheridge (david.etheridge@verizon.net)

LGBTQ Meeting for Worship, Quaker House, 6:30 pm on 3rd Wednesdays of each month
For more info contact: Rheagan Martin (rheagan.martin@gmail.com) or Jason Terry (jason@jaterry.com).

Other Points of Contact: 

Staying in TouchTo be included in the FMW’s Directory and email lists, or to update your information, send an email with your contact information to: admin@quakersdc.orgIf you would like access to the directory, you can contact Barbara.  Admin@QuakersDC.org or call: 202.483.3310.

Young Adult Friends:  Anyone (aged 18-40) interested in learning more, joining the YAF email list and activities can contact: Phoebe Shatzer (phoebe.shatzer2@gmail.com), Isaiah Grace (isaiah@graces.com) or Hannah Moloney (HannahCMoloney@gmail.com)

Want to rent event or office space at FMW? 
Contact Brian Lutenegger, Event Manager, eventspace@QuakersDC.org.

If you have maintenance concerns, please contact Property Committee clerk Michael Wood, michaelhbwood@gmail.com

Links to other Quaker Events and News:

- Thee Quaker Podcast–another way to learn about Quakerism, completed its 1st year in 2023, and will soon be offering short daily devotional messages.  Go to: www.QuakerPodcast.com 

QuakerBooks - Honor Black History Month by purchasing a book by a new Black author 

- Friends United Meetings (FUM) video series “Walking in the Way,” (4 min each)
  Released Thursdays on FUM’s FaceBook page, YouTube channel, Instagram feed

- Pendle Hill - Upcoming Events

- QuakerSpeak - 5-minute videos on Quakerism from Friends Journal

- The Quaker Take - YouTube Channel curated BILL PARKER of FMW
  Seeking that of God in EVERYONE by looking EVERYWHERE and at EVERYTHING.