Weekly Announcements 2.8.2024

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“I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone  -Ezekiel 36:26

Let Us Worship Together - Sunday, February 11, 2024

9:00 am Early Meeting for Worship - In FMW’s Library & on Zoom. 
By phone: 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 395 231 896#  Tech: Ann Herzog, (202) 246-5125

10:30 am Meeting for Worship, Meeting Room 
Head of Meeting: Hospitality Committee, Zoom techs: Amanda Wernicke, Rob Farr
followed by
Monthly Community Meeting (aka Meeting for Business)
Join on Zoom. By phone dial: 301-715-8592. Enter Mtg ID: 979 505 413# 
Zoom Tech: Rob Farr       Friendly Office Presence:  Tom Libbert

6:00 pm Worship 
Convener: Steve Morse, email: vze234d2@verizon.net

Children & Youth Programs 1st & 3rd Sundays

Children (First Day School) and youth (Young Friends and Grate Patrol) meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Families are encouraged to bring their children and youth to Meeting for Worship on non-RE Sundays.
Childcare: Every Sunday (year-round), 10:30, Decatur Room.
For more info, contact RE Committee: Julie Johnson, JulieJenJ@gmail.com 

Head of 10:30 Meeting:  Feb 18-Finance & Stewardship,  Feb 25-Membership Committee

Sunday “Staffing” Schedule 
Masking encouraged.  See FMW’s full masking policy here.

To receive an email copy of Weekly Announcements (every Thursday) email:  admin@QuakersDC.org

Tonight! -  WIN Fall/Winter Political Education Kick-off: Exploring Our Work through a Racial & Equity Lense Washington Interfaith Network is holding a series of monthly, in-person events focused on WIN's issue campaigns. This session aims to introduce and analyze WIN's campaigns through racial and economic equity lenses. Guest speaker Anthony Cook (Georgetown Law) is a highly regarded scholar and practitioner on race, equity and civil rights. A casual dinner will be provided.  Register here.
Location:  St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 222 M Street, SW.    

On Sunday: 

Welcome to Magnolia and James Mayer, Quaker House, Feb 11 12:00 pm
FMW’s community welcoming and celebration of associate members Magnolia Andrews Mayer and James Juniper Mayer, children of Charles and Amanda Mayer.

Monthly Community Meeting (aka Meeting for Business), Meeting Room & on zoom.  +/-12:30 pm  This is our community’s important monthly forum to discuss, plan and make decisions together.  All are welcome! 
Join on Zoom. By phone dial: 301-715-8592. Enter Mtg ID: 979 505 413#

Supporting the Meehans:  You can sign up here to provide a nutritious meal for the family.  Sign up here to give Susan a ride to Meeting and back on Sunday.  Contact FMW’s Personal Aid clerk Bill Parker with questions or to sign you up.  Call or text 301-221-4539 or email wparkercra@gmail.com

Polar Bear Plunge - February 10
Last Chance to Donate to Keep Winter Cold andAdvance Social Justice!

On Saturday, February 10, FMW’s Quaking Quakers team will plunge into the frigid Potomac River together with hundreds of intrepid climate and social justice activists.  The Polar Plunge raises funds for CCAN and FMW’s own climate and social justice work.  Please donate to FMW Quaking Quakers! 

For more information, contact team Captain Steven Chase (SteveChase338@gmail.com) or any member of FMW’s Committee on Peace and Social Concerns.


Quaker Spiritual Development Programs - Full schedule February 2024

Washington Friends Conference on Religion & Psychology, Online, February 16-18
Guest speaker Jeff Kiehl and discussion groups will focus on the topic of “Finding Wholeness in the Midst of Chaos.”   To participate, go to https://www.fcrp-quaker.org/wfcrp. Click on “DC Conference” for info and to register. This is rich and thoughtful community of Quakers (and many non-Quakers) has been gathering for nearly 75 years to discuss primarily Jungian topics. Contact:  WFCRP@friendswilderness.org 

Anti-racist Spiritual Friendship Group, Quaker House, Feb 18, 12:00 - 1:30 pm (3rd Sundays)
FMW’s Change Group for Racial Equity encourages us to think deeply about the role of race, racism, and white privilege in our own lives, our Meeting, and the wider society.  This is difficult work, best tackled in the context of a compassionate community.  We invite Friends to this monthly 3rd Sundays  spiritual friendship group centered on both racism and compassion. Contact: David Etheridge, david.etheridge@verizon.net, cell 202-577-8431

Quakerism 201 - Four Doors to the Meeting For Worship, Sunday, February 25, 12:15-2:15 pm - In-person.  Registration will begin soon.  If you want to deepen your spiritual experience in Meeting for Worship this is a great workshop to attend. Four Doors author William Taber’s gift was his ability to translate spiritual experience into plain language, to offer a more contemporary explanation of “what happens” in a Quaker meeting for worship. Pendle Hill Pamphlet #306 can be purchased here, or borrowed from the FMW library.  For more information contact workshop leaders Debby Churchman (DChurchm@yahoo.com) or John Bluedorn (John.Bluedorn@gmail.com)

Apocrypha Book Group, Library, February 25 & 4th Sundays, 12:15 pm
The Apocrypha can be purchased at Barnes & Noble or on Amazon.  For more info, contact Gene Throwe (GThrowe@gmail.com)  

Friendly Quaker Film Club Movie Night + Potluck at FMW, Wednesday Feb. 28, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Come watch and discuss "Rustin" a biopic about Bayard Rustin, the openly gay Black Quaker who planned the March on Washington for Martin Luther King.  For more info, contact Bill Parker (wparkercra@gmail.com

Spring 2024, Quakerism 101:  Introductory class begins March 5 - Register now!
Friends Meeting of Washington’s Spring 2024 Quakerism 101 class will be held on Tuesday evenings, March 5 to April 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm on Zoom. This 5-session introductory class on Quaker faith and practice provides a strong foundation as you begin your spiritual journey into the rich tradition of the Religious Society of Friends. Details here. Register here.

Consider Joining FMW as a Member!

Are you interested in deepening your connection with Quakerism and our community? Consider applying to become a member of Friends Meeting of Washington:
1. Fill out basic info about yourself using the online form
2. Write a letter expressing how you understand being Quaker and being a member of FMW. 

For more info, contact Membership Cttee clerk Rebecca Nelson (RebeccaLeeNelson99@gmail.com)

Other Regular Meetings & Worship Opportunities

Midweek Meeting for Worship at FMW, Wednesdays, 6:00 pm in person 

Friendly Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Sundays, 12:00 pm. 
For more information contact David Etheridge, email: david.etheridge22@gmail.com

Other Points of Contact: 

Staying in TouchTo be included in the FMW’s Directory and email lists, or to update your information, send an email with your contact information to: admin@quakersdc.orgIf you would like access to the directory, you can contact Barbara.  Admin@QuakersDC.org or call: 202.483.3310. (Barbara will be on vacation but checking email from December 18, 2023 through January 4, 2024.)

Young Adult Friends - had 3 new co-conveners!  Anyone (aged 18-40) interested in learning more, joining the YAF email list and activities can contact: Phoebe Shatzer (phoebe.shatzer2@gmail.com), Isaiah Grace (isaiah@graces.com) or Hannah Moloney (HannahCMoloney@gmail.com)

Want to rent event or office space at FMW? 
Contact Brian Lutenegger, Event Manager, eventspace@QuakersDC.org.

If you have maintenance concerns, please contact Property Committee co-clerks, Ken Forsberg, KLForsberg@gmail.com, cell: (202) 294-1954, or Michael Wood, michaelhbwood@gmail.com

Links to other Quaker Events and News:

- Thee Quaker Podcast–another way to learn about Quakerism, completed its 1st year in 2023, and will soon be offering short daily devotional messages.  Go to: www.QuakerPodcast.com 

QuakerBooks - New books 

- Friends United Meetings (FUM) video series “Walking in the Way,” (4 min each)
  Released Thursdays on FUM’s FaceBook page, YouTube channel, Instagram feed

- Pendle Hill - Upcoming Events

- QuakerSpeak - 5-minute videos on Quakerism from Friends Journal