Weekly Announcements, 7.23.17

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"Quakers sit in silence because they want to know something that words cannot tell them. They want to feel something or become aware of something that they can really make connection with. It is something fundamental to their life, they know that, indeed it is the underlying reality of their life, but they are not normally aware of it…. They want to become "the Friends of Truth," as they liked to call themselves at the beginning. Not any truth, but a truth that relates specifically to their deepest felt needs, and to the needs of the world. They are looking for a truth by which to live, that is, a sense of reality that tells them who they are and how they should live.” – Rex Ambler, 2013


Quaker House

9:00 am


Fibre Party

North Room



Quaker House & Meeting Room

10:30 am


Friendly Bible Study

Terrace Room


Hospitality Ctte





Decatur Place Room

6:00 pm

July 31 - August 6 – Annual Session 2017, Hood College (Frederick, MD)  Go to http://www.bym-rsf.org/events/annualsession/ for all of the information and online registration.

Aug. 2Refugee Crisis in Europe and the Quaker Response  Michael Luick-Thrams, a German Friend, will speak to us about Friends in Europe. 7:00 pm in the Parlor.

August 18 - 20 - Quaker Religious Education Collaborative Gathering, Quaker Hill (Richmond, IN)  Join the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative for their 4th Annual Gathering. For more information, including registration, go to www.quakers4re.org.

Aug. 20:  Matt Handley, Director of Litigation, Washington Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights and Urban Affairs (WLC), will speak at rise of Meeting about the legal issues surrounding hosting an undocumented immigrant on our campus

Aug. 25-27:  Gathering of Friends of African Descent, Chestnut Hill Meeting House (Philadelphia, PA) A number of us are offering home hospitality for those who want to visit in homes. http://www.fofad.org/2017-gathering.html


Head of Meeting Schedule

July 23: Capital Campaign; July 30: Ctte of Clerks