William Penn House Potluck & Dialogue

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Sunday, May 9, 2010 - 6:30pm

William Penn House Quaker Potluck & Dialogue

You are invited to attend a potluck and Quaker dialogue at 6:30 PM on

Sunday May 9, 2010

Our Program this First Day is presented by

Chris Brown, Langley Hill Friends Meeting, Devin Helfrich of Friends Committee on National Legislation and a representative of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light

 "Interfaith Cooperation and the Politics of Climate Change"

Despite mounting evidence of the serious and urgent threat posed by climate change Congressional legislation and international negotiations both appear stalled. Amid the dreary political landscape several positives trends have emerged. Public opinion polls have shown the public understands the threat and is willing to support policies to address climate change and there is a growing movement encouraging people of faith to take up the challenge of environmental stewardship.

Chris Brown of Langley Hill Meeting will host a dialogue with Devin Helfrich of the Friends Committee on National Legislation and a Representative from Virginia Interfaith Power and Light on why people of faith are drawn to work on climate change, their work in the field of climate change and how faith groups can come together to work on this issue.

Our monthly potluck is on the first Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM.  This is an opportunity for fellowship among Quakers, attenders and fellow seekers. Bring a dish to share; family members, neighbors and friends are always welcome.

Note: William Penn House is an alcohol and tobacco free facility


William Penn House hosts groups and individuals who visit Washington to help make this a better world. We host programs and seminars on peace and social justice issues and on Quakers, past and present.


William Penn House

A Quaker Center on Capitol Hill

515 East Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

Tel: (202) 543-5560 Fax: (202) 543-3814 e -mail: info@WilliamPennHouse.org
