Weekly Announcements 9.14.2023
“But the people are many, and it is a time of heavy rain; we cannot stand in the open. Nor is this a task for one day or for two, for we have greatly transgressed in this matter.”
–Ezra 10:13
Let Us Worship Together - Sunday, September 17, 2023 9:00 AM Early Meeting for Worship - In FMW’s Library & on Zoom. 10:30 am Meeting for Worship, Meeting Room 6:00 pm Worship Children & Youth Programs Fall Launch!On Sept 17, Religious Education (RE) will transition from its summer schedule to full programming for children (First Day School) and youth (Young Friends and Grate Patrol). RE programs will continue to meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Families are encouraged to bring their children and youth to Meeting for Worship on non-RE Sundays. Childcare: Every Sunday (year-round) during Meeting for Worship - in Decatur Room. Friendly Office Presence: Tom Libbert, Mary Melchior / Sunday “Staffing” Schedule Masking encouraged. See FMW’s full masking policy here. |
To receive an email copy of Weekly Announcements (every Thursday) email: admin@QuakersDC.org
On Sunday:
Meeting for Worship in Memory of Janet Dinsmore, Meeting Room & on Zoom, 1:00 pm
Join on Zoom. By phone dial: 301-715-8592. Enter Mtg ID: 979 505 413# (Same link as 10:30 Meeting). For more information contact Joe Izzo, email: jizzo4102@gmail.com
FMW Childcare - Help Wanted!Friends Meeting of Washington is looking for a few people who can occasionally/semi-regularly help out with our infant-toddler childcare on Sunday mornings, 10 am - 12 pm. This is a paid position ($24/hr), open to anyone, high school age or older. Usually there are just a few children, and there are always two childcare staff members. The work mostly consists of playing with the young ones while their parents are in Meeting for Worship. The position requires a background check and an interview. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please contact juliejenj@gmail.com and marina.jacobo.rv@gmail.com to learn more. |
Quaker Spiritual Development Programs - Full schedule September 2023
Baby Welcoming: Naomi Higgins, Quaker House (or upper West Garden), September 24, 12:00 pm. Naomi is the daughter of Matt Higgins and Rachel Miller and little sister of Daniel.
FMW Fall Retreat in the woods at Catoctin Quaker Camp, September 29-October 1!
Baltimore Yearly Meeting is renting out cabins up at Catoctin Quaker Camp, about an hour and 10 minutes from DC so FMW folks can eat, play, swim, nap, worship and sing together. You can reserve a cabin here. through Hipcamp or arrange to pitch a tent onsite. Let us know in either case. If we have enough people, we also can rent the camp's lodge and kitchen (sharing the rental fee). Come for two nights, two hours or anything in between, but please do join us! Contact: Robin Appleberry, email: rappleberry@aya.yale.edu
Wedding of Jenifer Morris and Chris White, FMW, October 7, 2:00 pm
FMW member Jenifer Morris and Christopher White will be married under the care of our Meeting, and all are invited to attend.
Fall 2023, Quakerism 101: Introductory class, October 3-31 - Register now!
Friends Meeting of Washington’s (FMW) Fall 2023 Quakerism 101 class is an introductory class on Quaker faith and practice will be held from October 3rd through October 31st from 7:00pm - 8:30pm via zoom only. The class consists of five sessions that provide a strong foundation of understanding as you begin your spiritual journey into the rich tradition of the Quakers - Religious Society of Friends. Details of class here. Register here. Contact B. Vohryzek vohryzek.co@gmail.com if you have questions.
Save the date! BYM Women's Retreat, Saturday October 21 IRL & online.
This will be a one-day hybrid event, taking place at Friends Community School (5901 Westchester Park Dr, College Park, MD 20740) and online. For more info, contact Heather Carter, email: carter.hm@pm.me
“Wait For It”- Envisioning FMW’s Future: Sunday November 5, 12:30-3:30. An interactive focus group facilitated by FMW member and Quaker leader Rashid Darden. This will be a space for Friends of Color and Friends under 40 to begin conversations about how we will shape FMW for the future. For more information contact: Betsy Bramon, email: betsy.bramon@gmail.com, Registrar here.
Other Regular Meetings & Worship Opportunities
Midweek Meeting for Worship at FMW, Wednesdays, 6:00 pm in person
Friendly Bible Study, 1st & 3rd Sundays, 12:00 pm.
For more information contact David Etheridge, email: david.etheridge22@gmail.com
Quaker Bible Study, FMW’s Library & online, Thursdays, 7:00 pm
For more information, contact Gene Throwe email: GThrowe@gmail.com
Other Points of Contact:
Staying in Touch: To be included in the FMW’s Directory and email lists, or to update your information, send an email with your contact information to: admin@quakersdc.org. If you would like access to the directory, you can contact Barbara. Admin@QuakersDC.org or call: 202.483.3310.
Young Adult Friends - Is seeking new co-conveners! Anyone (aged 18-40) interested in learning more, joining the YAF email list–or taking a role–contact Peter Nye email: p_nye@yahoo.com
Personal Aid is looking for gift cards for grocery stores, Target, etc. These will be given to our vulnerable members and attenders as needed. Please contact Mary Melchior, email: mulchness@gmail.com
Want to plan a future event at FMW? Contact Brian Lutenegger, Event Manager, eventspace@QuakersDC.org.
If you have maintenance concerns, please contact Property Committee co-clerks, Ken Forsberg, KLForsberg@gmail.com, cell: (202) 294-1954, or Michael Wood, michaelhbwood@gmail.com
Links to other Quaker Events and News:
- QuakerBooks - FGC reviewed books, August 2023
- Friends United Meetings (FUM) video series “Walking in the Way,” (4 min each)
Released Thursdays on FUM’s FaceBook page, YouTube channel, Instagram feed
- Pendle Hill - Upcoming Events
- QuakerSpeak - 5-minute videos on Quakerism from Friends Journal